
Our Curriculum Intents

“We see and question the science behind everything.”

  • To foster a love of the subject where students live and breathe science in all that they do, questioning everything that they see around them.
  • To equip students with the skills to become scientists that excel in enquiry based learning, developing their confidence and ability to write scientific reports.
  • To communicate with increasing complexity with regards to tier 3 vocabulary and scientific ideas e.g. accuracy and precision.
  • To explore cultural and historical context and evaluate how scientific ideas have developed through time.
  • To equip students with practical skills and confidence in a laboratory so that pupils feel willing to explore STEM as a further education/careers option.
  • To ensure annual success at GCSE in Combined Science and Separate Science.

Big ideas

The curriculum is designed around the “Big Ideas” model, which allows to students to develop their skills, knowledge and understanding of a range or areas in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Each “Big Idea” is covered at least once per year group, allowing students to make continuous progression through their learning at Mossley Hollins.

Cells and cellular processesMaterials and their propertiesEnergy
Biological systems for lifeChemical ChangesForces and fields
Organisms and their interactions with the environmentOur earth and its atmosphereMatter and materials

Our Science Faculty

Miss Walton – Head of Faculty

Mrs Milburn – Senior Leader of Science and Technology

Mr Fenton –Teacher of Science and Middle leader for the able

Mrs Smith – Teacher of Science (Science Coordinator)

Mr Choudhury – Teacher of Science

Miss Tierney – Teacher of Science

Mr Dawson – Teacher of Science

Mrs Skinkis – Teacher of Science

Mrs Bradwell – Science Technician

Our Curriculum

Key Stage 3

Year 7 Curriculum

Year 7 Rotation 1
Study topicKnowledge and skillsAssessmentHow to support your child
Working scientifically – Induction to Science at Mossley Hollins  Students will explore the key working scientifically skills needed to be a scientist. They will look at variables, planning a scientific method and how to analyse their results. They will also begin to use key scientific equipment safely in the laboratory.   Allow your child to weigh objects in the kitchen, ensuring that they zero the scales first to ensure.   Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.
Biology – B7.1 Ecosystems    Students will study food chains and food webs to show interdependence, competition and energy flow. They will look at how external factors can affect the organisms in these ecosystems including toxins and environmental changes. They will study the idea of biodiversity and how organisms are classified into the five kingdoms.  End of unit knowledge check   T1 assessment  Go for a walk around Dovestones – see how many organisms can you spot (plants, animals, insects). Link the organisms into a food web, showing which organisms are dependent on each other.     Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.
Chemistry – C7.1 Solids, Liquids and Gases  Students will look to develop their knowledge of solids, liquids and gases and that materials are made from atoms. They will also study changes of states brought about by temperature change, in the context of the particle model.  End of unit knowledge check   T1 assessment  Investigate diffusion of tea and food dyes with different temperatures of water. Look at how quickly the colours spreads throughout the water   Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.  
Physics – P7.1 Different Forces  Students will develop ideas of what forces are and what forces do. Students will extend their knowledge of friction, gravity and springs. Investigations including stretching springs and floating and sinking provide good opportunities for the development of scientific skills.End of unit knowledge check   T1 assessment  Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.
Year 7 Rotation 2
Study topicKnowledge and skillsAssessmentHow to support your child
Biology – B7.3 Movement  Students will look at how cells group together to form tissues which group together to form organ systems. The structure and function of the skeleton is studied and used to explain movement including the structure of joints and how they lead to movement of limbs  End of unit knowledge check   T2 assessment  Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.
Chemistry – C7.2 Mixtures and Separation  Students will build on their understanding of solids, liquids and gases by looking at separation techniques, such as crystallisation and chromatography.  End of unit knowledge check   T2 assessment  Carry out chromatography at home using skittles and paper. Place the skittle in the middle of the paper and ad a few drops of water. Watch as the dyes separate into the individual colours.  
Physics – P7.3 Energy Stores and Transfers (9 hours)Students will be introduced to ways in which energy can be transferred and stored, how to reduce energy transfers, and the renewable and non-renewable resources we use in everyday life. The concept of energy and conservation of energy is fundamental to Physics and will be inherent in much of what follows.End of unit knowledge check   T2 assessment  Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.
Year 7 Rotation 3
Study topicKnowledge and skillsAssessmentHow to support your child
Biology – B7.3 Cell structure  Students will look at using microscopy to explore the structure and function of the components of plant and animal cells so that the differences between the cells can be explained. They then applies some of this knowledge to analyse the structural adaptations of some unicellular organisms.  End of unit knowledge check   E1 assessment  Visit Manchester Museum – From Aardvarks to Zebras, giant whales to microscopic single-celled animals, the Museum collection includes roughly one million preserved animals and plants.   Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.  
Chemistry – C7.3 Acids and Alkalis  Students will be introduced to the subject of acids and alkalis, and salt preparation. They will study neutralisation reactions both in terms of chemical reactions, and in everyday life. They will also look to identify acids and alkalis using indicators.  End of unit knowledge check   E1 assessment    Use universal indicator paper (easily bought from the internet) to identify acids and alkalis in the home. Students can then practise using the pH scale to assign each substance a pH. Acid examples include: lemon juice, fizzy drinks Alkali examples include: soap, bleach (use with supervision) Neutral examples include: water
Physics – P7.3 Current ElectricityStudents will study the representation of circuits using standard symbols and the effects of adding bulbs to series circuits. This is then extended with a more quantitative approach to current electricity with the introduction to measurement of current and potential difference. The differences between series and parallel circuits are investigated and the concept of resistance will be introduced.  End of unit knowledge check   E1 assessment  Build a lemon battery, follow the instructions on the video.   Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.
Year 7 Rotation 4
Study topicKnowledge and skillsAssessmentHow to support your child
Biology – B7.4 Reproduction  Students will cover the changes that take place during puberty, including the stages of the menstrual cycle, which lead to the maturation of the reproductive organs. The structure and function of the male and female reproductive systems are covered so that the role of gametes in fertilisation can be understood. The gestation process and birth are covered including the role of the placenta.  End of unit knowledge check    Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.
Chemistry – C7.4 The Earth’s Atmosphere  Students will review their work on solids, liquids and gases, alongside chemical reactions, in the context of the Earth’s atmosphere. The concept of a chemical formula is introduced. The gases in the atmosphere and links to climate are also further developed.  End of unit knowledge check  Visit the Manchester museum “Earth Sciences” exhibition –  Fossils, rocks, minerals and meteorites are essential to help us understand Space, our Planet and the diversity of life on Earth. Manchester Museum has an outstanding collection of approximately 140,000 specimens from all over the world.   Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.  
Physics – P7.5 Measuring DensityStudents will study a more quantitative and mathematical investigation of the density of solids, liquids and gases. An emphasis is placed on the need to measure and record results accurately using appropriate SI units, including prefixes such as milli (m), centi (c) and kilo (k).  End of unit knowledge check  Visit Eureka! – Watch Archimedes displace the water at the entrance. This is how we can find the volume of an irregular object   Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.

Year 8 Curriculum

Year 8 Rotation 1
Study topicKnowledge and skillsAssessmentHow to support your child
Biology – B8.1 Organ Systems  Students will look at the body’s requirements for energy intake and the reasons behind the intake of a balanced diet as well as the consequences of imbalances in the diet, including obesity, starvation and deficiency diseases. The unit covers the gas exchange system and the role of the blood as a transport medium. Finally it examines the effect of exercise, asthma and smoking on the human gas exchange system as well as other drugs including stimulants and depressants on body function.End of unit knowledge check   T1 assessment  Buy a heart, kidneys and liver from the supermarket and help you child look for key structures in the organs.   Visit the BODYWORKS exhibition (London) to look at real organ systems. Keep your eyes peels for dates on Manchester.   Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.  
Chemistry – C8.1 The periodic table  Students will study some groups in the periodic table and classify elements of these as metals or non-metals using their position. This is linked to the periodic as well as the trends shown within it. End of unit knowledge check   T1 assessment      Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.  
Physics – P8.1 The Earth and Space    Students will start this unit with the study of the seasons, looking at how the Earth’s tilt affects day length at different times of year and in different hemispheres. They will then study our Sun as a star, other stars in our galaxy, and other galaxies and how we explore space.End of unit knowledge check   T1 assessment  Watch a documentary on space.   Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.  
Year 8 Rotation 2
Study topicKnowledge and skillsAssessmentHow to support your child
Biology – B8.2 Biological reactions  Students will cover the ideas such as the role of the reaction and word equation for photosynthesis, the adaptation of leaves for photosynthesis as well as the process and word equations for aerobic and anaerobic respiration.End of unit knowledge check   T2 assessment  Watch a documentary on plants and their role.   Watch a Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.  
Chemistry – C8.2 Atoms, Elements and Compounds    Students will consolidate their knowledge of atoms within the historical context of Dalton, and the idea of a compound is introduced. The periodic table as a simple list of elements makes its appearance.End of unit knowledge check   T2 assessment    Learn more about the history of the atom, discovered in Manchester.   Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.  
Physics – P8.2 Solids, Liquids and Gases  Students will recap the particle model of matter and begin to link microscopic behaviour to macroscopic properties such as density, gas pressure and to change of state. They will study the differences in arrangements, in motion and in closeness of particles explaining changes of state, shape and density, and the anomaly of ice-water transitionEnd of unit knowledge check   T2 assessment  Investigate diffusion of tea and food dyes with different temperatures of water. Look at how quickly the colours spreads throughout the water.   Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.  
Year 8 Rotation 3
Study topicKnowledge and skillsAssessmentHow to support your child
Biology – B8.3 The Producers  Students will deepen their knowledge of the plant kingdom by looking at the ideas such as water uptake, reproduction, pollination and seed dispersal mechanisms in plants. This knowledge will also be applied to real word farming scenarios.End of unit knowledge check   E1 assessment  Watch a documentary on plants and their role.   Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.  
Chemistry – C8.3 Types of Chemical Reaction    Students will extend the idea of chemical changes to several further examples, such as combustion, which also allows the introduction of word equations.End of unit knowledge check   E1 assessment    Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.  
Physics – P8.3 Sound   Students will study how organisms produce different sounds and their auditory ranges, such as ultrasound and infrasound. They will study the structure and function of the ear, comparing this with a microphone looking at similarities and differences in how sounds are detected on microphone diaphragm and the ear drum.End of unit knowledge check   E1 assessment    Download a frequency app onto your smart phone, make different noise and look how the frequency and intensity change.   Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.  
Year 8 Rotation 4
Study topicKnowledge and skillsAssessmentHow to support your child
Chemistry – C8.4 The Rock Cycle  Students will consider the source of rocks and how this leads to their uses in everyday life. Weathering and the rock cycle are also studied, providing a full view of the physical and chemical processes involved in rock formation.End of unit knowledge check    Find different metal items around the house, talk to your children about why they are made of metal.   Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.  
Physics – P8.4 Force Fields  Students will use the context of magnetism in this topic to build on the idea of non-contact force by introducing the concept of a field. The magnetic effect of a current and its uses is introduced. Students will use compasses to visualise magnet fields and investigate the strength of electromagnets. The internal structure of the atom is also studied as the gaining and losing these electrons can lead to the build-up of static.End of unit knowledge check      Look for magnets around the home (Fridges/doorbells). Talk about why the magnets have been used.   Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.  
Year 8 Rotation 5
Study topicKnowledge and skillsAssessmentHow to support your child
Chemistry – C8.5 The Earth’s Materials  Students will consider the source of the metal elements and how this leads to their uses in everyday life. The structure and properties of alloys are introduced. The reactions of metals are also covered.End of unit knowledge check   
Physics – P8.5 Light  Students will be introduced to waves within the context of Light. They will look at a range of concepts including; how light travels, reflection, refraction. The will also look at the structure of the eye and compare this to the structure of a camera.End of unit knowledge check  Make a pinhole camera.   Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.  

Year 9 Curriculum

Year 9 Rotation 1
Study topicKnowledge and skillsAssessmentHow to support your child
Biology – B9.1 Evolution  Students will cover the differences between species and how the variation between individuals within a species can be continuous or discontinuous as well as looking at ways to measure and graphically represent variation. This is enhanced to look at how natural selection is driven by the variation between species. The idea of how conservation methods can be used to maintain biodiversity and how gene banks preserve hereditary material.Weekly knowledge organiser quiz   Assessment 1 w/b 10/11/21  Watch a documentary on evolution   Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.   Visit Manchester Museum – From Aardvarks to Zebras, giant whales to microscopic single-celled animals, the Museum collection includes roughly one million preserved animals and plants.  
Chemistry – C9.1 States of Matter and Mixtures  Students will extend their knowledge of separation techniques studied to include further examples such as distillation and chromatography. Separation techniques are applied to various practical/industrial methods, including fractional distillation on crude oil.Weekly knowledge organiser quiz   Assessment 1 w/b 10/11/21  Carry out chromatography at home using skittles and paper. Place the skittle in the middle of the paper and ad a few drops of water. Watch as the dyes separate into the individual colours.   Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.  
Physics – P9.1 Heat Energy Transfer  Students will be introduced to the difference between internal (thermal) energy and temperature and look at the factors that affect the amount of energy stored in a heated substance. It also looks at energy transfer by radiation and explains conduction and convection in terms of the particle model of matter.End of unit knowledge check   T1 assessment  Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.  
Year 9 Rotation 2
Study topicKnowledge and skillsAssessmentHow to support your child
Biology – B9.2 Key concepts: Cells and Organisation  Students will build on their previous work on cells and microscopes, developing their vocabulary to include the terms eukaryotic and prokaryotic, as well as looking at subcellular structures with microscopes. They will prepare a microscope slide and use a light microscope to examine a slide making drawings of plant and animal cells using a light microscope.End of unit knowledge check   T2 assessment  Watch an episode of the Hidden Kingdom.   Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.  
Chemistry- C9.2 Reactivity  Students will study the reactivity series and look at reactions of metals with water and acid. They will develop their understanding of displacement reactions and apply this to the extraction of metals using reduction with carbon and electrolysis.End of unit knowledge check   T2 assessment  Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.  
Physics – 9.2 Key concepts:: Motion    Students develop their understanding of motion by strengthening their knowledge of distance/time graphs and speed. Students will then look at ways of describing and representing with calculations of speed and acceleration and with velocity/time graphs.End of unit knowledge check   T2 assessment  Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.  
Year 9 Rotation 3
Study topicKnowledge and skillsAssessmentHow to support your child
Biology – B9.3 Key concepts: Enzymes and transport  Students will look at factors affecting the rate of enzymatic reactions and carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids and lipids as key biological molecules, using key ideas on the lock and key hypothesis.  Students will also revisit the idea of food testing and the role of enzymes in digestion. Students will also explore how substances that are transported into and out of cells via diffusion, osmosis and active transport.End of unit knowledge check   E1 assessment  Add lemon juice to fish, watch the enzymes “cook” the fish.   Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.  
Chemistry – C9.3 Acids and Bases  Students will study acids, alkalis and neutralisation in terms of ions, which are also introduced for the first time. The reactions of acids with metals, oxides, hydroxides and carbonates are covered. Students will look to develop their equation work, using both word and symbol equations.End of unit knowledge check   E1 assessment  Use universal indicator paper (easily bought from the internet) to identify acids and alkalis in the home. Students can then practise using the pH scale to assign each substance a pH. Acid examples include: lemon juice, fizzy drinks Alkali examples include: soap, bleach (use with supervision) Neutral examples include: water   Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.  
Physics – P9.3 Key concepts: Motion    Students will look at the link between force and motion. Newton’s Laws are introduced, which look at the forces acting on objects. This leads to a study of momentum including collisions and of car safety.End of unit knowledge check   E1 assessment  Take a look around your car, show you child what happens when you pull the seatbelt quickly. There is a small delay before the seatbelt locks. This is to reduce the force experienced by the passenger.   Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.  
Year 9 Rotation 4
Study topicKnowledge and skillsAssessmentHow to support your child
Biology – B9.4 Beyond the Curriculum: Human BiologyStudents will explore how growth occurs in animals and plants through cell division and cell differentiation in animals and cell division, cell differentiation and elongation in plants including how percentile charts can be used to track growth. They look at the process of mitosis in detail and how cancer can develop.End of unit knowledge check    Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.  
Chemistry – C9.4 Key concepts: Atomic Models and the Periodic table    Students consider the structure of an atom in terms of sub-atomic particles and how this links to the Periodic Table. Students discuss the historical development of the periodic table, it links the atomic structure of the atoms of an element and to the element’s position in the periodic table.End of unit knowledge check    Watch a documentary on the building blocks of the universe.   Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.  
Physics – P9.4 Key concepts: Energy  Students will study graphical representations of energy transfers using energy diagrams and Sankey diagrams. Underpinning this is the concept of conservation of energy. Students will also recap and build on their knowledge of renewable and non-renewable energy resources.End of unit knowledge check  Look at energy ratings on washing machines and lightbulbs. Discuss how these reduce bills and make the house more efficient.   Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.  

Key Stage 4

Biology Curriculum

Biology 1
Study topicKnowledge and skillsAssessmentHow to support your child
Genetics  This topic covers the genome as the entire genetic material of an organism and how its interaction with the environment influences the development of the phenotype of an organism and the potential impact of genomics on medicine. The inheritance section covers the idea that most phenotypic features result from multiple alleles but examines in detail the inheritance patterns for single gene inheritance and single gene crosses with dominant and recessive phenotypes, sex determination in humans and the inheritance of ABO blood groups and sex-linked disorders for GCSE Biology.  End of unit knowledge check   Year 10 T1 Year 10 PPE1  Use the powerful knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.
Natural Selection and Genetic Modification    This topic goes onto look at genetic variation in populations of a species and how the process of natural selection leads to evolution as well as the evidence for evolution. It then covers how technological advances have led to developments in classification as well as covering selective breeding of plants and animals and genetic engineering.End of unit knowledge check   Year 10 PPE1 Year 11 PPE1  Use the powerful knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.
Health, Disease and the Development of MedicineThis topic explores the relationship between health and disease and the causes and symptoms of some communicable diseases including sexually transmitted infections. It identifies bacteria, viruses, fungi and protists as pathogens in animals and plants and how the spread of disease can be prevented. It progresses to look at the human body defences against pathogens and the role of the immune system. For biology candidates it also explores the defence mechanisms of plants, Finally the topic looks at the use and development of medicines.End of unit knowledge check   Year 10 PPE1 Year 11 PPE1  Keep up to date with advances in the studies of tropical disease by the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine     Use the powerful knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.  
Biology 2
Study topicKnowledge and skillsAssessmentHow to support your child
Plant Structure and their FunctionsThis topic builds on key stage 3 knowledge addressing the programme of study which involves photosynthesis as the key process for food production and therefore biomass for life, the process of photosynthesis and the factors affecting the rate of photosynthesis as well as the need for a transport system in plants. The topic covers the GCSE content for topic 6 through a detailed look at photosynthesis and the structures within plants. It includes some maths calculations for rates of transpiration as well as the inverse square law for photosynthesis for higher candidates. For GCSE Biology candidates it includes the adaptations of plants to extreme environments, the role of plant hormones and their commercial applications.End of unit knowledge check   Year 10 PPE1 Year 11 PPE1  Watch a documentary on plants and their role.   Use the powerful knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.
Animal Coordination, Control and HomeostasisThis topic builds on key stage 3 knowledge addressing the programme of study which involves the principles of hormonal coordination and control in humans, hormones in human reproduction, hormonal and non-hormonal methods of contraception and homeostasis. The topic covers different hormones and their effect on the body as well as thermoregulation and osmoregulation for GCSE Biology students. The topic is limited on practical work but covers some important health issues as well as ethics through kidney donation and the maths skill of BMI calculations.End of unit knowledge check   Year 10 PPE1 Year 11 PPE1  Use the powerful knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.
Exchange and Transport in AnimalsThis topic builds on key stage 3 knowledge and that addressed already at key stage 3 as well as addressing the programme of study areas for the need for transport systems in multicellular organisms and the relationship between the structure and functions of the human circulatory system. The topic starts with the idea that organisms need a transport system if they have a small surface area to volume ratio and the substances that need to be exchanged. It looks at the adaptations of the exchange surface of the lungs and the structure and function of the different blood components, blood vessels and the heart and how they form the circulatory system.End of unit knowledge check   Year 10 PPE1 Year 11 PPE1  Buy a heart, kidneys and liver from the supermarket and help you child look for key structures in the organs.   Visit the BODYWORKS exhibition (London) to look at real organ systems. Keep your eyes peels for dates on Manchester.   Use the powerful knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning
Ecosystems and Material CyclesThis topic builds on key stage 3 knowledge addressing a large section of the programme of study which includes the levels of organisation within an ecosystem, abiotic and biotic factors which affect communities, the importance of interactions between organisms in a community and materials cycles including the role of microorganisms. It also covers the importance of biodiversity, methods of identifying species and measuring distribution, frequency and abundance of species within a habitat and positive and negative human interactions with ecosystems.End of unit knowledge check   Year 10 PPE1 Year 11 PPE1  Go for a walk around Dovestones – see how many organisms can you spot (plants, animals, insects). Link the organisms into a food web, showing which organisms are dependent on each other   Use the powerful knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.
Separate Biology Only
There are not units that are specific to Separate Biology, each unit is taught to a greater breadth and depth.

Chemistry Curriculum

Chemistry 1
Study topicKnowledge and skillsAssessmentHow to support your child
States of Matter and Separating TechniquesThis unit builds on the particle model taught in year 7, and extends the separation techniques studied to include further examples such as distillation and more mathematical aspects of chromatography.  The understanding of the particle model is inherent in many chemical explanations in further unit, and it particularly applicable when studying bonding. Separation techniques occur in various practical/industrial methods, in producing potable water in this unit and particularly crystallisation in salt preparation (Reaction of acids) and fractional distillation of crude oil (Fuels).End of unit knowledge check   Year 10 T1 Year 10 PPE2 Year 11 PPE1  Carry out chromatography at home using skittles and paper. Place the skittle in the middle of the paper and ad a few drops of water. Watch as the dyes separate into the individual colours.   Use the powerful knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.
Structure and bonding  Students will build on their knowledge or chemical bonds to look more closely at covalent, ionic and metallic bonding. They will be introduced to dot and cross diagrams and their use to show bond formation.End of unit knowledge check   Year 10 PPE2 Year 11 PPE1  Read an article together on the recent discoveries of bond formation.   Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.  
Acids and Alkalis    End of unit knowledge check   Year 10 PPE2 Year 11 PPE1  Go for a walk around Dovestones – see how many organisms can you spot (plants, animals, insects). Link the organisms into a food web, showing which organisms are dependent on each other   Use the powerful knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.
Calculations Involving MassesThis unit brings a quantitative approach to chemical masses.  This includes calculating masses of products, empirical formulae and the concept of moles.  The work is developed with further calculations including those for titration in Separate science.End of unit knowledge check   Year 10 PPE2 Year 11 PPE1  Investigate diffusion of tea and food dyes with different temperatures of water. Look at how quickly the colours spreads throughout the water   Use the powerful knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.  
Electrolytic Processes and Obtaining MetalsThis unit will see students build upon prior knowledge in terms of reactivity, oxidation and reduction and how these relate to metal extraction. The students will look upon new ideas such as factors involved in the life cycle assessment, explaining what happens during electrolysis and learn about equilibria in chemical reactions such as the Haber process, while higher tier students will also focus on how to write half equations.   This unit explains how the movement of ions is necessary for electrolysis and the products of electrolysis for molten and aqueous electrolytes is considered.  The final type of equation, half-equation, is covered.  End of unit knowledge check   Year 10 PPE2 Year 11 PPE1    Use the powerful knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.
Chemistry 2
Study topicKnowledge and skillsAssessmentHow to support your child
Groups in the Periodic TableThis unit considers three groups in the periodic table, the alkali metals, the halogens and the noble gases.  The noble gases links with bonding (the full outer shell idea).  Oxidation and reduction appear in this unit in the context of halogen displacement.End of unit knowledge check   Year 11 PPE2Use the powerful knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.
Rates of Reaction and Heat Energy ChangesThis topic relies on a good understanding of the particulate nature of matter and links to the ideas about bond making and breaking – which also includes the idea of activation energy. The unit considers how the rate of reaction is determined by the frequency of collisions and energy of the reactant particles.  It is relevant to any unit involving reactions. This unit then sets the understanding of energy changes in the context of a model of a reaction in which bonds are broken in the reactants and formed in the products.  Energy changes are calculated. End of unit knowledge check   Year 11 PPE2Flying saucers an example of an endothermic reaction – put one on your tongue and feel the fizz!   Use the powerful knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.
FuelsThis unit is foundation for organic chemistry, covering crude oil and its separation into useful products – cracking where necessary.  The products of combustion are considered, both complete and incomplete, and the pollutants and their problems are discussed.  Organic chemistry will be developed further with more functional groups in GCSE Chemistry.    End of unit knowledge check   Year 11 PPE2Use the powerful knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.
Earth and Atmospheric ScienceThis unit explains how the atmosphere evolved from volcanic gases to today’s atmosphere.  This then continues by building on the year 9 work to give a good understanding of climate change and the evidence, which can be considered in a more nuanced and mathematical way than in year 9. The unit then reviews the composition of the Earth’s atmosphere, where consideration is made of pollution of the atmosphere.  This will be developed with the historical development of the atmosphere and pollution is further covered with a more quantitative approach (Greenhouse effect) and also in pollutants other than carbon dioxide). The gases in the atmosphere linked to climate are developed and the full influence of humans on the atmosphere is completed.  End of unit knowledge check   Year 11 PPE2Watch reactions in everyday life or even build your own volcano. Ingredients
small drink bottle
60 ml water
1 tablespoon baking soda
1/4 cup vinegar
orange food colouring
few drops of detergent
small square of tissue. Making the eruption
Place the water, soap, food colouring and vinegar in the drink bottle. Wrap the baking soda in the tissue and drop into the bottle. The volcano model will then erupt.   Use the powerful knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.
Separate Chemistry Only
Study topicKnowledge and skillsAssessmentHow to support your child
Transition Metals and Alloys End of unit knowledge check   Year 10 PPE2 Year 11 PPE1  Use the powerful knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.
Quantitative Analysis End of unit knowledge check   Year 10 PPE2 Year 11 PPE1  Carry out chromatography at home using skittles and paper. Place the skittle in the middle of the paper and ad a few drops of water. Watch as the dyes separate into the individual colours.
Calculations Involving Gases and Volumes End of unit knowledge check   Year 10 PPE2 Year 11 PPE1  Use the powerful knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.
Chemical and Fuel Cells End of unit knowledge check   Year 10 PPE2 Year 11 PPE1    Use the powerful knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.
Alcohols and Carboxylic Acids End of unit knowledge check   Year 11 PPE2    Use the powerful knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.
Polymers End of unit knowledge check   Year 11 PPE2    Use the powerful knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.
Qualitative Analysis: Tests for Ions End of unit knowledge check   Year 11 PPE2    Use the powerful knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.
Bulk and Surface Properties of Materials End of unit knowledge check   Year 11 PPE2    Use the powerful knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.

Physics Curriculum

Physics 1
Study topicKnowledge and skillsAssessmentHow to support your child
Conservation of Energy  This topic builds on previous work on energy stores and transfers. A more formal and quantitative approach is taken. Graphical representation of energy transfers using energy diagrams and Sankey diagrams should be covered. Underpinning this is the concept of conservation of energy. The topic also provides the opportunity to revise renewable and non-renewable energy resources.End of unit knowledge check   Year 10 T1 Year 10 PPE2 Year 11 PPE1  Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.
Waves  The unit builds upon prior ks3 knowledge about light and sounds waves, focusing on how energy and information is transferred, the characteristics of waves and investigating how the speed of a waves is related to frequency, wavelength, time and distance and extends previous learning about waves with a study of the wave equation. Students will need to learn the order of the different sections of the electromagnetic spectrum described in terms of frequency and wavelength.End of unit knowledge check   Year 10 PPE2 Year 11 PPE1  Use a slinky to demonstrate the different types of waves.   Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.
Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum  This topic pulls together lots of ideas concerning waves from previous topics. As such it provides an ideal opportunity to revise key ideas and terminology about waves, such as the wave equation and the classification of waves as transverse or longitudinal, as well as ideas about reflection and absorption and refraction. Students will learn about the properties, uses and dangers associated with different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum.End of unit knowledge check   Year 10 PPE2 Year 11 PPE1  Use an ultraviolet torch to investigate the differences in the appearance of objects under UV and visible spectrum.   Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.  
Radioactivity  This topic covers the origin, properties, dangers and uses of ionising radiation, looking at radioactive nuclei: emission of alpha or beta particles, neutrons, or gamma-rays, related to changes in the nuclear mass and/or charge. As well as, radioactive materials, half-life, irradiation, contamination and their associated hazardous effects, waste disposal  End of unit knowledge check   Year 10 PPE2 Year 11 PPE1  Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.
Physics 2
Study topicKnowledge and skillsAssessmentHow to support your child
Energy and Forces Doing Work  This topic requires good mathematical skills including the ability to use and manipulate simple algebraic equations.  The idea of energy transfer and efficiency was introduced in year 7. This will be revisited and extended in this topic. This topic explores the link between energy transfer, work done, and efficiency. A quantitative approach is used and the formulae for work done, power, gravitational potential energy, kinetic energy and efficiency are used extensively. This build on work done in year 7 and year 9.  End of unit knowledge check   Year 11 PPE2  Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.
Electricity and Circuits  During this topic the concepts covered in year 7 will be revisited to ensure firm understanding. The effect of resistance in circuits and the resistance characteristics of several circuit components will be studied in greater depth. This presents good opportunities for practical work and the development maths skills in analysing graphs. A quantitative approach to the idea that energy and power are transferred provides good opportunities to develop important maths skills. The safe use of electricity including the use of fuses and earthing are covered.End of unit knowledge check   Year 11 PPE2  Sntieecr Electric Circuit Motor Kit   Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.
Magnetism and the Motor Effect  This topic requires good mathematical skills including the ability to use and manipulate simple algebraic equations.  The idea of energy transfer and efficiency was introduced in year 7. This will be revisited and extended in this topic. This topic explores the link between energy transfer, work done, and efficiency. A quantitative approach is used and the formulae for work done, power, gravitational potential energy, kinetic energy and efficiency are used extensively. This build on work done in year 7 and year 9.  End of unit knowledge check   Year 11 PPE2  Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.
Particles, Forces and Matter  This topic provides a good opportunity to revise the ideas of density and pressure which were introduced in year 7. These ideas are extended by considering pressure in fluids and floating and sinking. The relationship between force and extension is revisited and then extended by learning about the work done in stretching a spring. These topics provide good opportunity to practice using and rearranging equations and also the importance of straight line (y=mx = c) graphs.  End of unit knowledge check   Year 11 PPE2  Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.
Separate Physics Only
Study topicKnowledge and skillsAssessmentHow to support your child
Astronomy  Separate Physics students will learn about the Solar System and how gravity affects orbits. The life cycle of stars and evidence for theories regarding the origin of the Universe are considered. Some of this was introduced in year 8 (P8.5 The Earth and Space).End of unit knowledge check   Year 10 PPE2 Year 11 PPE1  SkyView® Lite brings stargazing to everyone! Simply point your iPhone, iPad, or iPod at the sky to identify stars, constellations, satellites, and more!   Use the knowledge organiser page to secure learning by testing students on what they are learning.


Key Stage 3

Pupils must have their knowledge organisers that contain all of the information for their year. If they cannot find their knowledge organiser, there is a link below.  

Pupils must then use active revision techniques to memorise and apply the knowledge, skills and understanding for that particular unit.

Active revision strategies include:

  1. Condensing; rather than copy, condense the information by 50%. Revise it and condense again.
  2. Transform text to diagrams; Replace text with a simple diagram and link together to make a concept map.
  3. Flashcards: Design questions on the front and answers on the back. Spend some time memorising these on your own.
  4. Get quizzing; Get someone to test you on your flashcards! Other sources of quizzes include; BBC Bitesize.
  5. Create a help sheet or mark scheme; Design a mark scheme for a tricky 6 marker or make a help sheet to show other students how to avoid common mistakes.
  6. Blitz past papers! See your teacher for these.

Key Stage 4

You must have the following; revision guide(s), knowledge organisers, 6 specifications and past paper booklets with mark schemes.

Set aside some time and use the specification as a list of things you need to know for the exam and tick them off once you have memorised it.

Be organised and make a plan. Which specification points are you going to cover and when? You will have to make a long term plan.

Repetition helps things stick in your memory. Don’t just use your flashcards once or do a past paper question once. Revisit your flashcards lots of times and answer past paper questions in pencil so that you can do them again.

You must use active revision techniques to memorise and apply the knowledge, skills and understanding for the exam

Active revision strategies include:

  1. Condensing; rather than copy, condense the information by 50%. Revise it and condense again.
  2. Transform text to diagrams; Replace text with a simple diagram and link together to make a concept map.
  3. Flashcards: Design questions on the front and answers on the back. Spend some time memorising these on your own.
  4. Get quizzing; Get someone to test you on your flashcards! Other sources of quizzes include; BBC Bitesize and your revision guide.
  5. Create a help sheet or mark scheme; Design a mark scheme for a tricky 6 marker or make a help sheet to show other students how to avoid common mistakes.
  6. Blitz past papers! You can find them all here: Key Stage 4 – Revision


To help bring the Science to life the faculty offer several enrichment activities in various forms. Examples include:

  • Year 11 Physics pupils visiting the CERN particle accelerator in Geneva
  • Attending lectures at the University of Manchester and the University of Sheffield
  • Visiting speakers discussing current scientific research
  • Entering teams in the North West Chemistry Quiz, Glider challenge and North West STEM challenge
  • Bronze and silver CREST award to develop scientific enquiry
  • Big Bang Fair North West

Virtual Science

London Natural History Museum – Virtual Museum
Delve into the Museum from home with a virtual self-guided tour of the galleries, an interactive experience about Hope the blue whale and audio guides narrated by Sir David Attenborough.
London Science Museum – Virtual Museum Explore the science museum with a virtual tour on Google Streetview or enjoy a curated tour of the museum. You can also explore their 325,000 object in amazing detail!
Washington D.C Natural History Museum – Virtual tours The Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History virtual tours allow visitors to take self-guided, room-by-room tours of select exhibits and areas within the museum from their desktop or mobile device
Washington D.C Natural History Museum – Summer Explorations Join a free virtual summer program series that allows you to explore the world of natural history science in a fun and interactive way! Each week they will explore a different natural science-based theme and provide a suite of daily live webinars, videos, activities, and projects.
WWF Activities for pupils Take inspiration and ideas from their hub of seasonal and fun creative activities that are designed to encourage pupils to get outside, get creative using recycled materials, and learn about nature and sustainability.
CERN – Virtual Visits ‘Visit’ the site of the Large Hadron Collider – the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator. A variety of interactive activities including virtual reality videos and tours of the site.
Chester Zoo – Virtual Zoo Take part in one of many virtual tours of Chester Zoo which broadcasted the zoo whilst in lockdown.
Edinburgh Zoo – Animal information and live webcams Find out about all the animals that live in Edinburgh Zoo and there are live webcams of the animals so you can see what they are up to!
London Zoo – Virtual Zoo and Live Talks Visit the animals, and their hardworking keepers, in real time. Gain an unedited snapshot of what goes on day to day – the cleaning, the caring, the surprises and the affection. Enjoy the animals in all their unpredictable, quirky ways and check in with the teams still there, on site, looking after their animals.
Kew Gardens – Virtual tour into the glasshouses Travel to the tropics, the desert and the mountains without leaving the house with their seasonal footage and a sneak peek at their glasshouses across Kew and Wakehurst.
Google Expeditions – Virtual Reality Tours and Augmented Reality Expeditions explore history, science, the arts, and the natural world. Whether you’re roaming with dinosaurs or taking a look at Renaissance sculptures, there’s something amazing to explore for every subject.   To experience VR cheaply you can order a product called “google cardboard” which lets you turn your smart phone into a VR headset with some self-assembly. 
NASA – Citizen Science Projects & Other Activities NASA’s citizen science projects are collaborations between scientists and interested members of the public. Through these collaborations, volunteers (known as citizen scientists) have helped make thousands of important scientific discoveries.
Dyson Challenge Cards Can you skewer a balloon without popping it? Coat a nail in copper? What happens when you plug a clock into a potato? Dyson engineers have designed these challenges specifically for children. Ideal for home or in the classroom, they encourage inquisitive young minds to get excited about engineering.
Learn.Genetics – An introduction to genetics and biology Explore a range of resources all aimed at explains the basics of biology and genetics. Activities to complete as well as learning if you want to learn something new.  
Institute of Physics – Moon Adventure What’s it like to be an astronaut? Where did the Moon come from? What’s the future of humans in space? Click to find out more!
Royal Institute – Experiments and Practicals A series of short films making it fun, easy and cheap to do science experiments at home with your family.
STEM – Massive list of activities for all ages A range of fun, hands-on activities for families to use at home, suitable for all ages from 4 to 16.
Discovering Antarctica Take a journey through this site and begin discovering Antarctica for yourself. Each section features activities, images, video clips and fact sheets, to help you learn about this distant, frozen wilderness.
Scouts – The Great Indoors While Scouts normally love the great outdoors, they’ve pulled together some inspired indoor activity ideas to keep you entertained while schools are closed due to coronavirus.
Tynker – Learn to code Tynker provides everything needed to learn computer programming in a fun way. Tynker offers self-paced online courses for children to learn coding at home.
TEDEd – Online learning videos Allows students to search for lectures — recorded or animated — on subjects of interest or sign up for a daily email of lesson plans that span all subjects and age groups.
WildEarth – Live Safaris WildEarth’s safariLIVE is an award winning, expert hosted LIVE safari, broadcast directly from the African wilderness into your home. Sunrise Safari: 5:30am-8:30am Sunset Safari: 2pm-5pm Every day of the week
Monterey Bay Aquarium – Live Cams Be delighted by the antics of the sea otters or mellow out to the hypnotic drifting of jellies. With ten live cams to choose from, you can experience the wonder of the ocean no matter where you are. There are live narrated feedings every day.
Create a Rube Goldberg Machine A Rube Goldberg machine is any complex contraption that uses a chain reaction to perform a simple task. Think of it as dominoes with far more steps leading to doing something simple like turning a light on or silence an alarm. They involve a lot of set up but are incredibly satisfying to have work. This site has examples of famous Rube Goldberg videos from YouTube.
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