Modern Foreign Languages

We are confident communicators who understand and embrace other people and cultures.

Head of Faculty: Mr J Stevens

Mrs S Doodson

Mrs A Pringle

Mrs V Chapman

Miss A Montero


Our aims for the curriculum at KS3:

  • To build on foundations with our primary partner schools (MCSP) to ensure that the curriculum is challenging from the beginning, with a focus on students being able to give personal descriptions.
  • To add dimension to their learning outcomes by building on their communication skills, with a focus on the ability to communicate using the past, present and future tenses.
  • To consolidate and build upon key grammatical concepts throughout Y7, Y8 and Y9 to ensure students are equipped with the ability to write and speak in Spanish with a high level of maturity.

Year 7

Study topic



How to support your child

Free Time



Opinion phrases

Free time activities

Expressions of frequency

Weather types




Infinitive verbs

Present tense of AR verbs

Irregular verbs ‘hacer’ and ‘jugar’



Regular vocabulary tests throughout each topic


Written and spoken work will be assessed regularly and feedback provided


Homework support:


Topic Specific




Here are some challenges you can set your son/daughter to see how much they have learned after each topic!


Free time

  • Change the language to Spanish on a mobile device for an hour.
  • Keep a Spanish weather journal for every day of one week.
  • Do a quick survey on your family to find out what sports they like in Spanish.



  • Put a post-it on each of your exercise books –write that subject in Spanish!
  • Do a poll on school subjects in Spanish with your family – can you order them from most to least popular?
  • Draw a layout of your dream school and label all the different rooms in Spanish.


Family & Friends

  • Play a game where you describe a family member in Spanish and your family have to ‘Guess Who’.
  • Create a family tree for your family or a fictional family and label the people in Spanish.
  • Draw a treasure map and label locations in Spanish (mountains, coast, etc.).


House & Town

  • Next time you are in a restaurant (preferably Spanish!) order your food in Spanish.
  • Label a map of your town with the places in Spanish.
  • Ask a parent/carer to randomly ask you the time throughout the day. If you get it right – you get a point/reward.



  • Go to for 10 minutes and see if you can find 15 cognates or words that you know.
  • Plan you dream holiday in Spanish. Where would you go? What would you do?
  • Do a survey on your family friends – which country is the most popular for holidays?




School subjects

Adjectives for subjects

Adjectives for teachers

Places in school

Break time activities



Me gusta vs. me gustan

Adjective agreement

Present tense of ER and IR verbs


T1 assessment

Students will complete a reading, listening and writing assessment at the end of this unit to consolidate their knowledge and learning so far. The content of these assessments will be based on what they have studied in the ‘free time’ and ‘school’ unit.

Family & Friends



Family members

Hair and eye descriptions

Physical description

House and flat




Possessive adjectives

Irregular verbs ‘tener’ and ‘ser’

Present tense of ‘estar’



House & Town



Places in town

Telling the time

Ordering in a café

Weekend plans

Future time expressions



Some, many

Present tense of ‘ir’

Stem changing verb ‘querer’

Near future tense


T2 assessment

Students will complete a reading, listening and writing assessment at the end of this unit to consolidate their knowledge and learning so far. The content of these assessments will be based on what they have studied in the ‘family and friends’ and ‘house and town’ unit.




Where? Who with? How?

Asking about holidays

Past holiday activities


Giving opinions in the past



Preterite of the verb ‘ir’

Preterite of AR verbs

Preterite of ER and IR verbs

Preterite of the verb ‘ser’


Speaking assessment 

Students will deliver a short presentation to their class about a recent fictional holiday. Students will have lots of preparation time, advance notice and teacher support with this piece of work.

Half Term                                                                                                                                     Revision, Study Skills and Film Study Students will look at next steps moving into Year 8, revise all Spanish studied so far and also study a full film in the target language. This will both celebrate students’ newly-acquired knowledge and hard work during Spanish throughout their first academic year.

Year 8

Study topic



How to support your child




Likes & dislikes

my week

film genres

birthday celebrations



Gender of nouns

gusta Vs gustan

regular present tense

near future tense


Regular vocabulary tests throughout each topic


Written and spoken work will be assessed regularly and feedback provided


During assessment week pupils will complete listening and reading assessments


Homework support:


Topic Specific




Here are some challenges you can set your son/daughter to see how much they have learned after each topic!



  • Keep a Spanish journal for every day of one week.
  • Next time it is a family members birthday, write their card in Spanish


Music, film and technology

  • Change the language to Spanish on a mobile device for an hour.
  • Do a quick survey on your family to find out what music they like in Spanish.
  • Watch a film on Netflix or Amazon Prime in Spanish


Food and fitness

  • Ask a parent to help you to cook a traditional Spanish dish
  • Do a research project on the most popular sports in Spain
  • Create a Spanish menu
  • Go to a Spanish restaurant for a meal, try ‘tapas’ and order your meal in Spanish!



  • Find out about which jobs require you to speak another language
  • Find the names of five celebrities who speak another foreign language


Environment and social issues

  • Create a presentation about what Amnesty International do
  • Write about a social issue/ cause/ movement that is of interest to you
  • Raise money for charity by taking part in a fundraising activity



Music, film and technology



genres of music


use of mobile phones

TV vocabulary




conjugation of ‘ir’

the comparative

using the third person



Food and fitness



food & drink


restaurant language


active lifestyle

daily routine


getting fit





stem-changing verbs

se debe/ no se debe

reflexive verbs






work tasks

ideal job

children’s lives


journey to school




tener que

adjective agreement

preterite of regular verbs



Revision and enrichment unit



Revision of topic 1
Revision of topic 2
Revision of topic 3
Revision of topic 4
Zipe y Zape – film study

Revision of grammar covered in Year 8




Year 9

Study topic



How to support your child

Topic 1 – Desconéctate





Holiday activities


holiday preferences

past holiday

trip to Barcelona

booking accommodation

dealing with problems

higher numbers

account of a past holiday



Regular verbs in the present tense

irregular verbs in the present tense giving someone else’s opinion

preterite tense

imperfect tense

opinions in the past




Regular vocabulary tests throughout each topic


Written and spoken work will be assessed regularly and feedback provided


During assessment week pupils will complete listening and reading assessments


T1 assessment

Students will complete a reading, listening and writing assessment at the end of this unit to consolidate their knowledge and learning so far. The content of these assessments will be based on what they have studied in the ‘holidays’ unit.


Homework support:


Topic Specific




Here are some challenges you can set your son/daughter to see how much they have learned after each topic!





  • Go to for 10 minutes and see if you can find 15 cognates or words that you know.
  • Plan you dream holiday in Spanish. Where would you go? What would you do?



  • Translate a text from another subject into Spanish. This will be very challenging!
  • Research the education system in Spain


Friends, family & relationships

  • Borrow and read a Spanish book from the school library or your local library
  • Play a game where you describe a family member in Spanish and your family have to ‘Guess Who’.



Topic 2 – Mi vida en el insti





school subjects



school day

school description


problems in school

a school exchange

extra-curricular activities



Using negatives

phrases followed by the infinitive

the near future tense

object pronouns


T2 assessment

Students will complete a reading, listening and writing assessment at the end of this unit to consolidate their knowledge and learning so far. The content of these assessments will be based on what they have studied in the ‘School’ unit.

Topic 3 – Mi gente

(Family, Friends & relationships)





social networks

making plans





Adjective agreement

para + infinitive

present continuous


ser and estar




Our aims for the curriculum at KS4:

  • To work independently with a wide range of highly challenging authentic texts, as well as using higher level vocabulary, with a clear knowledge of exam requirements and expectations as well as acquiring a broad cultural understanding.
  • To refine skills and knowledge, promoting the value of the skills learned in Spanish and the importance of furthering these skills beyond KS4.


Interests & influences


Festivals & celebrations

Work & post-16 education


Year 10

Study topic



How to support your child

Topic 1 – Intereses e influencias

(Free Time)




Free-time activities

TV programmes


Variety of hobbies


Different forms of entertainment Good and bad role models



Stem-changing verbs

Nationality adjectives

Soler + infinitive

Imperfect tense

Perfect tense

Advanced qualifiers


Regular vocabulary tests throughout each topic


Written and spoken work will be assessed regularly and feedback provided


During assessment week pupils will complete listening and reading assessments


They will complete their PPE examinations in the Spring (Listening, reading, writing, speaking).


Homework support:


Topic Specific




Here are some challenges you can set your son/daughter to see how much they have learned after each topic!









Free Time

  • Watch a film in Spanish on Netflix. Ask your teacher for recommendations!
  • Research a good role model from a Spanish-speaking country



  • Draw a map of your town and label the different places and features
  • Write a letter in Spanish to the Mayor suggesting changes you would make to Mossley


Food & Celebrations

  • Find a Spanish recipe to make (e.g. paella) then write a review in Spanish
  • Research and compare the traditions of Spanish festivals compared to the English equivalent










  • Research 5 different jobs that use a language. Write a list of the pros and cons
  • Write a post card to a friend from your gap year abroad. Include what you have done and what you would like to do



Topic 2 – Ciudades





Places in town

Shops & souvenirs

Features of a region

Making plans


Problems in your town

Describing a visit in the past



Se puede/n

Simple future tense

Demonstrative adjectives

Conditional tense


Topic 3 – De Costumbre

(Food and celebrations)



Meals and food

Daily routine

Illness & injuries

Spanish foods

Festivals & special days

Music festivals



Ser and estar

Preterite tense

acabar de + inf

The passive/avoiding the passive, Reflexives in the preterite

Absolute superlatives



Topic 4 – A Currar (Work)



Variety of jobs

Earning money

Work experience

Languages and travel

Summer jobs

Future plans

Gap years



Soler in the imperfect

Verbs followed by infinitive

Preterite and imperfect together

Present & present continuous, Indirect object pronouns

Saber and conocer

Subjuctive with ‘cuando’




Year 11

Study topic



How to support your child

Topic 1 – Hacia Un Mundo Mejor (Environment)




Types of houses

The environment

Healthy eating

Global issues & local action

Healthy lifestyles

Sporting events

Natural disasters



The superlative

Se debería

Understanding range of tenses

Third person plural verbs

The present subjunctive &subjunctive commands

The pluperfect

The imperfect continuous


Regular vocabulary tests throughout each topic


Written and spoken work will be assessed regularly and feedback provided


During assessment week pupils will complete listening and reading assessments


They will complete their PPE examinations in the Autumn & Spring (Listening, reading, writing, speaking).


Homework support:


Topic Specific




Here are some challenges you can set your son/daughter to see how much they have learned after each topic!










  • Create a Spanish quiz that tells people how environmentally friendly their lifestyle is
  • Write a Spanish guide to how someone can live healthily. Include diet & exercise recommendations and what they should avoid



Topic 2 – Revision of Theme 1




(Topic 1) Me, my family & friends

(Topic 2) Technology in everyday life

(Topic 3) Free-time activities



GCSE Skills : Role play, photo card, general conversation, listening skills, reading skills, translation skills, 90 word writing task, 150 word writing task


Topic 3 – Revision of Theme 2


(Topic 1) Home, town, neighbourhood & region

(Topic 2) Social issues

(Topic 3) Global issues

(Topic 4) Travel and tourism



GCSE Skills : Role play, photo card, general conversation, listening skills, reading skills, translation skills, 90 word writing task, 150 word writing task


Topic 4 – Revision of Theme 3



(Topic 1) My studies

(Topic 2) Life at school/ college

(Topic 3) Education post-16

(Topic 4) Jobs, career choices & ambitions



GCSE Skills : Role play, photo card, general conversation, listening skills, reading skills, translation skills, 90 word writing task, 150 word writing task



GCSE Course Overview


Recommended Revision Guides

  • CGP GCSE Spanish AQA Revision Guide – for the Grade 9-1 Course
  • CGP GCSE Spanish AQA Exam Practice Work book- for Grade 9-1 Course
  • AQA GCSE 9-1 Spanish All-in-One Revision and Practice Workbook
  • Revise AQA GCSE Spanish Revision Workbook: for the 9-1 exams
  • Revise AQA GCSE (9-1) Spanish Revision Guide


Within the MFL department, we offer a range of different opportunities for students to broaden their cultural experiences as well as opportunities to build character through their learning.

  • Student Ambassadors (Y7 & Y8)
  • Educational visits abroad
  • University visits
  • Leading primary school events
  • KS3 Spelling Bee

Educational Visits

Educational Residential to Cantabria, Spain

In June, 2018 49 students from Year 9 were accompanied by five members of staff on their educational visit to Suances, Cantabria in the north of Spain.

Students enjoyed a variety of culturally enriching activities including a visit to the planetarium in Santander, the torture Museum (showcasing methods of eliciting confessions during the Spanish inquisition), a guided tour of the Soplao caves and a tour of the animal park, Cabarceno which showcased over 100 different species of wildlife in large open spaces.
Students also had the opportunity to partake in the facilities of the hotel, including tennis courts and a swimming pool as well as enjoying the close proximity of a stunning beach. Most students agreed that apart from a swim in the sea, the other highlight of the trip was a visit to the ‘parque de aventuras’ which encouraged staff and students alike, to work together to navigate a challenging course of high-rope obstacles and zip wires. A big thank you to the staff on the trip who gave up their time to facilitate this amazing opportunity for our students: Miss Horsfield, Mr Stevens, Mr Beardmore, Mrs Thompson and Mrs Power.

Educational Residential to Paris, France

Sixty-five pupils from Year groups 8 and 9 attended an educational visit to Paris, France in October 2018. The visit provided a unique opportunity for our pupils to experience the French language and culture at first hand. Pupils were able to make use of and improve upon their French skills. We stayed in a hotel for four nights and travelled by coach and ferry. The trip included an array of exciting, cultural and educational activities including; a visit to the most famous Parisian monuments, including the Eiffel Tower, a one-day trip to Disneyland Paris, a cruise on the river Seine and intensive French lessons.

Useful Websites

  • Quizlet – Each week we set homework that corresponds to a set of Quizlet flashcards. The link is on the homework lists and is a great way to learn your weekly vocabulary.
  • Vocab Express – An amazing way to build up your vocabulary knowledge. Try to get to the top of the scoreboard!
  • Linguascope – Look in the intermediate Spanish section for dialogues, texts and games to challenge you. Alternatively, go to the beginner section for basic vocabulary items. (Username: MHHS-MFL / password: Mossley123).
  • Memrise or Duolingo – These apps test you in a variety of different ways. Useful for spelling, meaning and pronunciation. You can download them to your phone/tablet.
  • Voki – You can type text into the box, select the language you would like, then click “say it”. The character will then say the text you have written!
  • Languages Online – Select Spanish on the left hand toolbar and explore the topics available.
  • Study Stack – Create wordlists then test yourself with flashcards or games that are generated for you.
  • BBC Bitesize – A lovely website that helps with the acquisition of GCSE vocabulary in context.
  • BBC Bitesize – Key stage 3 vocabulary and games.
  • YouTube – A great way to find videos of grammar and vocabulary explained in a visual way.

The pages below contain ALL the vocabulary and phrases needed to revise for GCSE.

Huddersfield Road, Mossley,
Ashton-Under-Lyne OL5 9DP
T: 01457 832491