Arts and Sports

In Arts and Sports, we become social, confident and creative lifelong performers.

Arts and Sports – Curriculum Intent

Students will experience a variety of opportunities that;

  • Challenge them both inside and outside the classroom to improve their confidence.
  • Develop skills and proficiency to succeed and excel in a range of activities.
  • Improve their fitness, health and well-being through participation, knowledge and understanding.
  • Develop physical, technical, performing and tactical skills.
  • Develop leadership skills and additional roles, not just as the performer.
  • Enhance resilience, hard work and determination so pupils can demonstrate PRIDE in their performances.
  • Build character by embedding core values including honesty, respect and fairness.
  • Aim to ensure all pupils leave the school possessing skills, motivation and knowledge to enjoy a healthy life with lifelong engagement with sport, performance and physical activity.

Arts and Sports Faculty:

  • Mr Beardmore – Senior Leader Arts & Sports and Partnership/ Head of Redgrave College
  • Mrs Dodd – Faculty Leader, Arts and Sports
  • Mr Doodson – Middle leader Arts and Sports /Character & Co-curricular (Niche Sports)
  • Mrs Ryan – Head of Drama( Deputy Head of Faculty) Character Co-ordinator and Middle Leader (Performing Arts)
  • Mr Miller – Middle leader Character  Co-curricular Outdoor Education
  • Mrs Andrews – Teacher of Dance/PE
  • Mr Wilson – Deputy Headteacher, Standards in Pupil Development, Behaviour and Attendance/PE
  • Mr Beaumont –Head of year 11 / Teacher of Food and PE
Huddersfield Road, Mossley,
Ashton-Under-Lyne OL5 9DP
T: 01457 832491