Newsflash – Friday 16th July 2021

  • Remembering One of Our Own
  • Mossley Hollins welcomes its new Student Leaders, 2021-22
  • Year 11 Senior Prefects 2021-22
  • Year 10 Prefects 2021-22
  • Farewell to the staff who are leaving
  • The last week at Mossley Hollins
  • Year 7 – 10 Learning Awards Thursday 8th July 2021
  • Year 7 Character Pillar Awards July 2021
  • Fantastic Work in Religious Studies and Life Skills
  • A Wonderful Afternoon in Food & Nutrition
  • Year 8 Drop Down Day – Art and Design – Art Deco inspired slab pots
  • Competition Winner
  • Reading for Pleasure
  • Cartoon Competition
  • Year 7 Brass Band
  • This Week in Assembly
  • PE News
  • Expectations of School Shoes
  • COVID 19
  • Safeguarding Students Online
  • Uniform Voucher


Huddersfield Road, Mossley,
Ashton-Under-Lyne OL5 9DP
T: 01457 832491