Newsflash Friday 7th May 2020

Message from Mr Marshall

Well done to our students

As we reach the end of week five of our virtual school, I would like to thank all families for your ongoing support for the students during what has been an often frustrating, and always challenging time. Most of all I would like to pay tribute to our wonderful young people for their determination and fortitude during this unprecedented period. They really have been fantastic, remaining optimistic and resourceful despite the challenges, and I am so proud of them.

Please enjoy the articles in this week’s packed newsflash highlighting some of their work.

We do not know how much longer we will have to endure this situation but we must not give up, especially after we have done so much that is right and good so far and it’s so nice to hear that so many of our pupils continue to show our Mossley Hollins values and PRIDE in all they do.

IMPORTANT – Year 8 gateway and Year 9 Options

Despite the unusual circumstances we must continue to plan for our return to normal and this is the time of year when we start our options process. Due to the current restrictions we will not be able to hold the Options Information Evening that we had planned for year 8 but we are still available to answer any questions.

All completed options forms must be returned by Wednesday, 13th May. These are important decisions and we have tried to provide as much information as possible to help families and students. The email sent to parents and carers contains full instructions on how to submit choices. Information, advice and guidance has been issued to all students in Years 8 and 9. Please see Ms Riddy’s item later in this newsflash for more details. Please encourage your child to read the guidance carefully and think very carefully about which subjects they choose. If you or your child has any questions please do not hesitate to contact Ms Riddy,

Have a fantastic long weekend if you can and enjoy the VE day celebrations

Read more below…


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Ashton-Under-Lyne OL5 9DP
T: 01457 832491