Newsflash – Friday 13th September 2019

Headteacher’s Message

This week, we welcomed our year 11 students to the first intervention sessions of the year in maths and English. We are delighted that our students realise the additional learning opportunity and targeted support that these sessions provide for them and I would like to thank parents for their support. Attendance at both sessions was superb.

We are determined that our students will have the same opportunities as students attending the best state and independent schools many of whom have much longer days. Our teachers work tremendously hard to plan these sessions, focussing in on the areas of learning that students are finding most challenging and designing the sessions to fill the gaps in their knowledge, skills and understanding.

Intervention sessions in other subjects will begin next week and students will be informed by letter if they are required to attend. Please remember, we are always happy to welcome students to any session (as long as they are not missing a compulsory one) even if they have not been specifically asked.

On Thursday, I met two very well informed students who told me about their visit to the war memorials at Ypres in Belgium. Matilda and Madeline Wrigley of year 10 and year 8 were invited to join the trip with students from Hyde Community College and I am so proud of the way that they quickly made new friendships with the other students and joined in the activities and learning. I was particularly interested to hear the girls’ account of their visit to the Menin Gate Memorial where they watched the Ceremony of Remembrance and laying of wreaths, which takes place every day at 8pm in memory of the fallen in World War 1.

The girls were obviously moved by the visit and humbled by the sacrifice of so many in the pursuit of freedom. It was a delight to spend time with such mature and reflective students and I would like to pass on my thanks to colleagues at Hyde Community College for allowing them the experience.

Have a lovely weekend.


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Ashton-Under-Lyne OL5 9DP
T: 01457 832491