Newsflash – Friday 3rd May 2019

Message from the Headteacher

Ideas from Students and Parents on How to Further Improve the School

From Wednesday, 12th June 2019 to Thursday, 2nd July 2019 the Senior Leadership Team at Mossley Hollins will be writing their School Improvement Plan. This is a document which records the priorities, plans and actions required to bring about school improvement between 2019 and 2021. The plan will actually drive school meetings and development work for the next two years. Naturally, we feel it is essential that we get it right for every member of our school community.

As part of this process, we are determined to hear the ideas of as many people as possible who are key stakeholders in the school, especially the views from students and their parents/carers. As such, we are asking you for your view. Please, as ever, be as constructive as possible.

The questions we would like to ask are:

  1. What should the school work to make a priority for 2019-20 and 2020-21 and why?

  2. What plans and actions should the senior leadership team put into place to drive this improvement?

Mossley Hollins High School - How to further improve the school in the next 1-2 years.pngWe would be most grateful if you could find a little time to take part. Please click on the link, scan the QR code or visit

Please put your name on the reply so that it is valid.

The deadline is Friday, 24th May 2019.


Also in the news this week:

  • School Closure – Tuesday 30th April 2019
  • Summer Uniform 
  • Turing College (Year 11): Leavers’ Hoodies
  • Turing College (Year 11): Summer Ball – Tuesday, 25th June 2019 at The Saddleworth Hotel
  • Turing College (Year 11): Compulsory Lesson 7 Sessions
    • There is only one school week left to go until the first written exams begin on Monday, 13th May 2019!
    • Our compulsory sessions designed to support students will continue next week as our rota moves to Blue Week.
  • Year 9 Parents’ and Options’ Evening
    • The deadline for the return of the options form is Friday, 10th May 2019
  • Nightingale College (Year 10): Congratulations
  • Working Together in the Community with Mossley Town Team
  • Year 7 Maths battles
  • UKMT Junior Maths Challenge
  • MEM Challenge Results
  • Book of the Week – The graphic novel Tyranny by Lesley Fairfield
    • Mental Health Awareness Week occurs every May. This year the theme is Body Image. The MMRC will be having a promotion on Mental Health issues over the next month and this week's Book of the Week tackles the thorny issue of eating disorders.
  • An Update on Our STEM Team
  • Scientist of the Week – Callum Leah 
  • Redgrave College (Year 7): Bushcraft Visit
  • Summer Opportunity for Turing College (Year 11)
  • Faraday College (Year 8): Golfing Success
  • Arts and Sports’ News
  • Dates for your Diary
    • Monday, 6th May 2019 – Bank Holiday
    • Tuesday, 7th May 2019 – Year 10 Pre-Public Examinations
    • Tuesday, 7th May 2019 – Year 11 PRIDE awards (Rescheduled from 29th April 2019)
    • Wednesday, 8th May 2019 to Friday, 10th May 2019 – Year 11 GCSE Speaking Tests
    • Monday, 13th May 2019 to Wednesday 19th June 2019 – GCSE Year 11 Exam Session
    • Thursday, 16th May 2019 – Year 10 Parents’ Evening
    • Friday, 24th May 2019 – Break up for half term holiday
    • Friday, 24th May 2019 to Sunday, 26th May 2019 – Year 7 Bushcraft trip
    • Monday, 3rd June 2019 – Pupils return to school
    • Friday 14th June 2019 – Whit Friday (GCSE students will be in school for their timetabled exams)
  • Homework Clubs
    • Monday – Science 3:07
    • Tuesday – Humanities in 2:04
    • Wednesday – English/ MFL in 2.08
    • Thursday – Maths in 3:04 and Technology in 4:06
    • Friday – Arts and Sports in G:01
  • Ever Thought About A Career In Teaching?


Huddersfield Road, Mossley,
Ashton-Under-Lyne OL5 9DP
T: 01457 832491